
Thank you for visiting our website!
We at St. John Lutheran Church welcome you to our web site as well as to our church. As a community of faith we gather to spread the good news of Christ’s forgiveness and salvation for all who will accept it. With Jesus Christ as the center of all our activities we come together to reach out to the greater community, build relationships, grow in faith, and to be God’s love in the world and His action to the world.
Our Mission:
As children of God, we are a
family living out the Gospel
of Jesus Christ through
worship, fellowship, and
Confirmation Retreat
Register here Click Here
Souper Bowl Sunday
2025 Kick Off “Souper” Sunday! On Super Bowl Sunday, (February 9th), please bring in cans of soup or other canned goods for the food shelf. Let’s see if we can collect 100 items to help those in need! If you are unable to join us on the 9th feel free to drop off items anytime in February.
Worship Assistants
"Join our team of worship assistants! Your gifts can make a difference in our services, whether through reading, ushering, or helping with communion. Sign up today and be part of this meaningful ministry!"
January https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EVylRbmKF1ZkBwePaISYMY_owm5_1NStJSeG6v0ykCU/edit?tab=t.0
February https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b3bK7azwctd7EBhh1_4ldavKNaa4Uxme2zoTcLA9Jlo/edit?tab=t.0
Follow our new YouTube Channel!
Emergency Pastoral Care
If you are in need of emergency pastoral care please call 612-756-9915.
Misson Trip 2025!